Rescue jobs in punjab february 2021
Resscue jobs in punjab february 2021 this is best oppourtunity for all young boys of punjab province. resscue 1122 is best job in pakitan. rescue job duty timing is short and salary is good. if you eligible then must apply. post =1 Emergency medical technition scale=======11 education==== nursing or paramedical diploma age ======20 to 30 post=2 computer telephone virlus operator scale=====11 education requirment=== B-com D-com or DAE computer science age==20 to 30 post=3 post name== maintinance technition scale====11 education ===DAE/machenical age====20 to 30 post=4 post name==Rescue driver scale==4 education ==metric pass/ltv licence age===20 to 30 post==5 post name==sweeper scale=1 education ==parhana likhna janta hu age==18 to 30 online form le kar fill kar ke post karde last date==22 february